Monday, September 22, 2008

Second Home

Hello again, sorry to be so long in writing, sometimes there's just really not much to say. Yep, this is Benjy. It's not that nothing's happening, just nothing most people really care to hear about. Each day is pretty much like the one before it, and chances are just like the one after. I've never heard so many complaining women in all my life. And the second floor is only high enough to break an ankle. We've lived here for a week now, but really it's not that bad. The nurses, the cleaning staff, everyone has been very kind and accommodating to us. Which is good, because this has without question been the most difficult week for us both physically and emotionally by far. I continue to be impressed and very proud of the way Jo Ann is dealing with it all. We actually have some fun up here. And I don't mean weird-like; just plain ol' fun. OK, maybe a little weird. We have now made 32 weeks and 5 days, far beyond what we expected when we first found out we were pregnant. We're very close! We will measure babies again this Thursday (most likely in utero), anxious to see how much they've grown. Last Thursday the boys were 4 lbs. 1 oz., 4 lbs. 5 oz., 4 lbs. 15 oz. and the girl was 5 lbs. 1 oz. Unbelievable. As I said, we're very close. And come to think of it, that part is a bit different and quite exciting. As we get closer, new people are introduced to help prepare us for what's coming next. We have begun discussions regarding Jo Ann's surgery, we will soon be meeting with the neonatologists, and also with the NICU staff. There's no way we fully understand how real this is. Sometimes we think we're dreaming, sometimes we wish we were. Seriously, we can't barely wait. I'll try to update more consistently, even if I have to make it up.


Misty said...

32w5d! Awesome! Your NICU time (if any) will be so little. THat is great. Mine were born at 30w & we only had 5weeks in the NICU for 3 of them (the 4th had other isssus to take care of).
You are doing such an awesome job!
They had told me everyday in, was 2 days less in the NICU!

jag said...

WOW! I am so impressed! Those are amazing weights! Nearly 33 weeks?! What a trooper. You are in my prayers. Keep us posted when you can.

SPAM King! said...

That's the spirit Benji- Just make something up, it can be so much more interesting that way! Tell the non-tinted window story, I bet people will enjoy that.

Monogramchick said...

Hey Benji Thanks for the update. We got your blankets finished and packaged with care and fedexed off for the new little ones. I hope JoAnn likes them! Tell her we said hello from Iowa!! Can't wait to be back home to the south! Please keep us up to date!
